Flexibility: Important? If So, What Do I Do?

M14Hoops | Flexibility: Important? If So, What Do I Do?

At one point in your life, you most likely have experienced a tight back, hips, or hamstring, to name a few. Especially now being at home all day we will be sitting in front of the computer and watching TV more than usual, which means an increase chance of tightness. Why does it matter? We want your athletes at M14 to understand the importance of staying flexible has on our body for when we get back onto the court.

Flexibility is the ability of a joint to move through a complete range of motion (Gummelt, 2015). The many benefits for an athlete to being flexible consist of decrease chance of injury, better posture, and improve performance, to name a few. After hearing this, any athlete at M14 should I be doing at home?

First, at M14, we recommend holding a stretch anywhere between 20-30 seconds, for 1-3 times, and trying to perform it daily. Below are some ideas on how to stretch specific muscles in your body:

Hamstring: Lying Straight Leg Raise
  • Lay Flat on Your Back
  • Keep one leg straight up in the air and the other on the ground.
Glute (Butt): Pigeon Stretch
  • Place one knee/skin on the floor
  • Kick other Leg Straight Back
  • Lean Over knee/shin
Quadriceps: On Stomach Heel to Butt
  • Lay on your stomach
  • Bring one heel yo your butt and other leg stays straight
Calves: Foot on Wall
  • Keeping both legs straight place the ball of your foot against the wall
  • Lean over the foot
Latissimus Dorsi: Reach Overs
  • Arms are straight and reach above head
  • Bend to one side

These are some of the many exercises that can help increase flexibility. Remember that sitting all day will make you tight and have an effect on you when you return to the court. Ask yourself during this time, do you want to become a better basketball player or not? If so, take the few minutes out of your day and stretch. The best part about stretching is you can do it anywhere, even while watching TV!

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